Tuesday, 27 May 2008

After the fast

Here is the headline news - I lost 14 kilograms on the fast and the six days of fruit and veg before that. I weighed myself before leaving Phuket and on my return. I am very happy - and, although, there is still a mountain to climb, I have got the boots on now....

The first thing to pass my lips, was a piece of naartjie, followed by a delicious slice of wholewheat bread, with butter and jam. Total heaven....

On the way back, we stopped over for a good night's rest at Khao Lak in a lovely beach resort - and treated ourselves plates and plates of Thai food. Well, we couldn't really eat that much, but it did feel like a lot.

Going back to eating normally (if there is such a thing) has been great - and it has not been difficult to stick to a reasonable diet. Two things I have brought back home with me is NEVER to eat after 9pm at night (and I am a real midnight snacker) and to try to stick to fruit and vegetables on a Monday.

Overall, I think it was a worthwhile experience and something most people should try. It gives one a different insight into eating and food. I am not sure I would do it again. Maybe I would go back to a health farm and do a vegetarian fast. But I am very glad I did it. For one, it proved I could do it. And that is something.

What I found puzzling on my return to Phuket was that some people just seemed to refuse to accept that I had been to the health farm, stuck to the fast and lost the weight. A couple of them INSISTED that I had put on weight in the past two weeks. It is a bizarre feeling. On two occasions Helen was with me when it happened - and even her vouching for me (and she knows the facts 100%) did not deter them. I do know that when one loses or puts on weight, you can look "different" to people, although they can't tell exactly how. As far as I can see, I don't look any different, but I certainly do NOT look fatter. It's a strange thing, but there's nothing one can say....

The first weekend I was back I was asked to write a piece on my experiences for the Sunday Times Travel and Food magazine. We rushed around trying to find a picture to go with the article. In the end, Helen gave the newspaper a picture she took of me in the pool at the MyQ Hotel. I was submerged in the water from the neck down, so I looked great. Thank you, Helen, what a flattering snap.....

Anyway, you can view the picture and read the article here:

And here is the link to an article I wrote about Koh Samui in the same edition:

And, so the fatfarm saga comes to an end. Thanks to the many people who were so supportive and followed our progress every inch of the way. If anybody reading this has any doubts about going on a detox fast, my message to them is: GO FOR IT! It will change your life in many ways and it's not really that difficult. If I can do it, anyone can.


Unknown said...

Well Done. Won't be able to recognize you both!



Unknown said...

You must be a shadow of your old self!
And what about the cigarettes?

Unknown said...

Congratulations, Peter! (Red Onion will open day after tomorrow :-) )

Unknown said...

Well done Peter! I'm hoping you can give me some hints what to eat to lose weight.

Nah said...

I don't see you almost one week, I hope you still have a lovely body. (after back from Samui)