Tuesday, 27 May 2008

Day 6 - Friday

Another difficult day. I had no energy at all. I read somewhere that the sixth day is the most difficult. Well, that's the case for me. Helen said she had a difficult night, she was so desperate for a salty taste that she considered licking one of the Pringle crisps that come with the minibar. But she hung in there and survived. She is stronger than I am, as I had the whole minibar removed from my room. I could not bear to have the temptation. All there is in my room is water. And toothpaste - and don't think I haven't thought of eating some of that, just to get a different taste.

In the morning we went on a drive to check out the ferries for our return journey. The time really flew past and we seemed to be having our detox drinks and supplement pills every few minutes (there are 90 minutes between each lot). Then we drove up the mountain to a viewpoint where we spent about 30 mins in a restaurant with a splendid view of the forests, coconut groves and sea in the distance. Of course, all we could order was a bottle of water each. Unfortunately, a couple plonked themselves down next to us and ordered the most-delicious looking Thai food. Aaaaaaaaaaaah, the temptation.

We are still talking about food. We have been fantasising about baked potatoes, tomato sandwiches, spaghetti bolognaise, braaied sausage eaten cold .... It's ridiculous really. But you try not eating for six days and you will discover that even the thought of a salted slither of cucumber sounds like heaven on earth!

For me, the worst part remains the colonic cleansing twice a day. I don't mind the actual cleansing, but I cannot bear the whole saga any longer - setting up the room, cleaning it afterwards, etc, etc. I can't stand all the smells in the SPA. When I first arrived, it seemed perfect. Now it all stinks to me - but I am probably just smelling my own breath!

The night was also difficult. I had to go the 7-Eleven to buy a phonecard for my cellphone, but I made sure that Helen came with me. I know it would be absolute madness to give up now, with only one day to go. However, it's better to have company when you have to wend your way through aisles of chocolates, bread, biscuits..... Tomorrow is the last day. I can hardly believe it. Only 24 hours and we can claim victory. What a battle it has been.

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